Entry #13 * Blogging is my kinda fun!
Wow, we are at the end LTED 618 friends! Blogging each week has honestly kept me engaged the most throughout this course. I am not someone who sits down and free-writes for long, I have just never gotten into the habit of it. As blogging was a requirement this semester, I was asked to explore my own writing style through the readings each week. I have found it comforting to sit down and just type away. I admit I can be an unorganized writer at times, however, these blogs have allowed me to develop a deeper understanding of the what I read, write, and explore. At the beginning of the semester, I was so excited to blog, I even created a tik tok when starting out with my first post. I intended to make a tik tok for each blog... but the semester got kinda crazy! I am hoping to create a teacher blog as a first year teacher to share with others!
The genre presentations from my colleagues this semester were phenomenal. The first student learning outcome (the variety of modes, genres, and formats for reading and writing) was very well represented throughout the semester. Taking a full week to explore the different genres through presentations, mentor texts, reviewed articles and blogs, I feel that I have gained so much knowledge on what these genres entail. I also feel more prepared to be a teaching of writing through the direct instruction of these genres. Tompkins (2012) Balancing Process and Product is a very well written book that clearly outlines the genres and ways to teach it. I am very appreciate of this new resource I will use in my teaching career!
Tompkins (2012) and the genre presentations opened my eyes to the second student outcome (the role of purpose and audience in writing and reading and the elements of authors craft used to address the desired purposes(s) and audiences(s)). Each week we were specifically focused on the purpose and audience each genre focused in on. I found this to be extremely helpful when exploring mentor texts within each genre. Without audience and purpose, there really isn't a genre. These are two essential components I have had to think deeply about as I create my own genre pieces this semester.
Writing these blogs this semester has allowed my metacognition to truly blossom. Taking in the information from the readings and being able to express these ideas in my own way, in my own form through blogging has been such a wonderful experience. The strategies I have obtained through shared articles are going to be beneficial as I continue in my writing development. I have learned the importance of composition and ensuring my writing is truly expressed.
The relationship between the reading and writing process is something that I never thought about until this semester. These two processes really do compliment each other well. Reading and writing go hand in and and each deserve a special amount of attention. Tompkins (2012) adds after each genre how to assess. I believe that the role of assessment and evaluation only makes a reader or writer stronger. Sometimes all a student needs is that little push of confidence to bring out their true reading and writing abilities.
LTED 618 peers, it has been a pleasure writing these blogs each week. Reflection is something so important that I have found I really need to do more often. We made it!
I appreciate the note you offer towards the end of this entry Makayla. It is true, that sometimes students need a little push. I see that keeping this blog and allowing peers to "bless, press, and address" each other is a great way to expand both the community of learners and the individual's attention to what they could be learning.